
Who is involved

Find information on the individuals and organisations involved in the Undercover Policing Inquiry, including core participants, undercover police officers, and other witnesses.

For information on the Inquiry team, please see the ‘About’ page.


Core participants

Core participants

Core participants are individuals or organisations that are likely to have been significantly involved or affected by undercover policing in England and Wales.  They can also be individuals or organisations that could be significantly impacted by the work of the Inquiry.

In some cases, core participants can have their reasonable legal costs paid.

There are currently 246 core participants, although some are unincorporated associations made up of multiple individuals.

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Taking part

If you had contact with undercover officers or would like to discuss providing evidence to the Inquiry, you can get in touch with the Inquiry in confidence by:

  • Emailing us at [email protected]
  • Writing to us at PO Box 71230, London NW1W 7QH
  • Giving us a call on 0203 876 4750.

It is not necessary to be a core participant to receive funding for legal costs or give evidence to the Inquiry. Further information on contacting the Inquiry and becoming a core participant can be found in the core participant guidance.



Two undercover policing units – the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) and the National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU) – have particular prominence for the Inquiry; however, other units across England and Wales also fall within its general remit.


The SDS was a covert unit that existed within the Metropolitan Police Service between 1968 and 2008.

Cover names

To date, the Inquiry has released the cover names of 70 undercover officers from the SDS. This is to enable members of the public to determine whether they were affected by undercover policing and come forward with evidence.

As with all participants in the Inquiry, officers have the right to request anonymity through a restriction order.

Cover names not subject to a restriction order continue to be published by the Inquiry once pre-publication checks have concluded.


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In or around 1986, the Special Branch network set up the Animal Rights National Index (ARNI). The ARNI developed into the National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU) in or around 1999. In or around 2010, the NPOIU merged with two other units to become the National Domestic Extremism Unit.

The NPOIU’s role was to manage all intelligence considered to relate to domestic extremism. Their work included carrying out undercover policing operations.

The table below lists all NPOIU officers that have had a ruling or minded-to note issued regarding their anonymity applications to date. Further information regarding deployments – subject to the Restriction Order process – will be added as the Inquiry progresses its investigations.


The Inquiry aims to be as open and transparent as possible. The default position for all core participants and witnesses is that they do not receive any anonymity; however, they are all entitled to make applications. Applications could be made because:

  • Some core participants – including people who have been deceived into relationships with officers – want their privacy respected.
  • Exposure of identities could put individuals at a present and ongoing serious risk of injury, or in extreme cases, death, because of the nature of the deployments they have undertaken.
  • Revealing identities could damage individuals or their family’s private life and contravene their human rights.

After considering applications, the Chairman makes a ruling on whether to grant or reject the application either in full or in part. If the application is successful, it will be followed by a restriction order, which is a protective measure under the Inquiries Act 2005.

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