10 Apr 2024

Dates: Friday 12 April 2024

Start times: 10:00 AM

Location: Virtual

This hearing will consider: 

  • How to provide civilians referenced in Tranche 2 investigations privacy without undermining the public interest in the Inquiry being conducted as publicly as possible. 


All publicly available documents that relate to this subject will be made available on the Inquiry website. This includes the “Note by Counsel to the Inquiry regarding applications for restricted reporting of inquiry hearings” published on 13 March 2024. Two written submissions will be published on 10 April 2024. 

The hearing will be held in both “Open” and “Private” sessions to be conducted virtually.  

The hearing will be opened at 10:00 AM by Counsel to the Inquiry followed by open submissions from any participant who wishes to address issues of principle live-streamed with a 10-minute delay. This session will be included in full in the hearing transcript.  

The hearing will then move into Private sessions to hear applications made by NPSCP core participants for reporting restriction orders and will only be attended by the directly affected parties. The Private sessions will not be livestreamed or included in the hearing transcript.  

Once the Private sessions have concluded, the open hearing will be reconvened and live-streamed and any further submissions will be heard. Counsel to the Inquiry will then close the hearing.


Please note

  • The Open sessions of this hearing will be held virtually and live-streamed on the Inquiry’s YouTube channel with a 10-minute delay. A recording of these sessions will subsequently be made available on the Inquiry’s website.  
  • Part of the hearing will be held in Private between the Chair and the directly affected parties. The proceedings in the Private section will not be live-streamed or included in the public transcript.  
  • By an order (PDF, 636KB)made by the Inquiry Chairman on 15 October 2015, no transmission of any statement made during the course of a hearing may be made until a period of 60 seconds has elapsed after the statement is made. 
  • A transcript of the open sessions will be published once the hearing has concluded. 
  • Links to the live stream and any associated publications will be available on the hearing page. 

For further information, please contact the Inquiry’s press officer.

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 07585 908612