18 Dec 2020

Ordinarily, Counsel to the Inquiry will conduct the majority of questioning. Such an approach supports the efficient and fair running of evidence hearings minimises the risk of undermining restriction orders.

Before hearings start, recognised legal representatives of core participants will have the opportunity to propose lines of questioning or topics.

During hearings, there will be a 15-minute break after Counsel to the Inquiry has finished their questioning to allow counsel for core participants to apply for permission to ask questions of the witness about any topic or issues that have arisen unexpectedly during the witness’ evidence.

Once a witness has finished their oral evidence, their counsel will have the opportunity to ask questions about any topic covered in the witness’ oral or written evidence.

Further information on the arrangements for questioning can be found in the ‘Directions on the conduct of the Tranche 1 Phase 2 (T1 P2) hearings’ and ‘Note on the application of Rule 10 in the Inquiry Rule 2006’.